The library contains only critical styles to layout the notifications container and notification itself. It can be easily customized using custom css. You will probably only need to style .o-notification
Elements contains several variables to easily style them, without changing style properties.
HTML tree
<div class="o-notifications-container">
<div class="o-notification type--info">
<div class="o-notification-body">
<div class="o-notification-icon">...</div>
<div class="o-notification-content">...</div>
<button class="o-notification-close">...</button>
<div class="o-notification type--default">
<div class="o-notification-body">
<div class="o-notification-icon">...</div>
<div class="o-notification-content">...</div>
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
--o-spacing | length | 0.5rem | Spacing between notifications |
--o-offset | length | 1rem | Offset from edge of window |
--o-max-width | length | 26.25rem | Max width |
Notification is a man element of your notifications.
Variable | Type | Default | Description |
--o-padding | length | 0.75rem | Padding |
--o-gap | length | 0.75rem | Spacing between content |
--o-size | length | 1.5rem | Size of icon and close button |
--o-color | color | initial | Background color |
--o-border-width | length | 1px | Border width |
--o-border-color | color | initial | Border color |
--o-text-color | color | currentColor | Text color |
--o-icon-size | length | 1.5rem | Icon size |
--o-icon-color | color | currentColor | Icon color |
// You can define colors for each notification type (default, info, success, warning, error).
$types: (
'default' : (
'color' : '#F6F5FF',
'border-color': '#CBCAFC',
'icon-color': '#564AF7',
'error' : (
'color' : '#FFF0F0',
'border-color': '#FFC2C2',
'icon-color': '#FF0000',
.o-notification {
border-radius: 10px;
// and loop over types to set colors based on a class
@each $type, $values in $types {
&.type--#{$type} {
@each $name, $value in $values {
--o-#{$name}: #{$value};
.o-notification-title {
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 600;
color: #121827;
.o-notification-text {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 400;
color: #384050;
.o-notification-close {
background: none;
opacity: 0.5;
transition: opacity .3s;
&:hover {
opacity: 1;